The leadership of NAHREP invites you to attend the 2019 Housing Policy & Hispanic Lending Conference, including Leadership Academy and the Wealth & Real Estate Conference, from April 8–10, 2019 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.
The conference is home to world-class educational sessions and townhalls that educate attendees on important housing policy changes, the future of lending, credit access, the rising role of Latinos in Washington, and most importantly, NAHREP’s policy recommendations for the government.
Leadership Academy 
April 7-8
The NAHREP Leadership Academy’s mission and vision is to provide a platform to discover and further develop skill sets for leaders. The program will take both a macro and micro leadership focus to provide framework and tools for NAHREP’s future leaders for policy change and reform activities.
Graduates will become an integral part of reshaping and re-energizing the housing industry at all levels, political, private and not-for-profit sectors with a focus on keeping NAHREP’s mission moving forward. Graduates from the program will acquire the skills and framework that will set them apart as industry leaders with a specialization within the Hispanic market.
Housing Policy and Hispanic Lending Conference 
April 8 - Welcome Reception
April 9 - General Sessions
April 10 - Capitol Hill Visits
Driven industry professionals, top government officials, and high ranking housing and real estate executives convene at the conference to take part in three days of education, insight, and advocacy. The conference is the site for the unveiling of the annual State of Hispanic Homeownership Report, NAHREP’s leading publication which highlights the homeownership and economic growth of Latinos in the United States over the past 12 months.
The conference ends with a day of action on Capitol Hill, where attendees meet in face-to-face meetings with key lawmakers to advocate NAHREP’s policy plan and discuss issues that affect the industry and community, giving attendees the opportunity to participate first-hand in the policy making process. The meetings allow participants the opportunity to advocate to their representatives to write legislation supporting NAHREP’s key call-to-action.
Homeownership is the symbol of the American Dream, the cornerstone of wealth creation and a stabilizing force for working families. Our role as trusted advisors and passionate advocates is to help more Hispanic families achieve the American Dream in a sustainable way that empowers them for generations to come. Join us at the Housing Policy & Hispanic Lending Conference and be the Voice for Hispanic Real Estate®.
Wealth & Real Estate Conference 
April 10
The Wealth & Real Estate Conference brings together stakeholders and national leaders for the purpose of developing solutions and making commitments on measurable financial and wealth building outcomes to benefit the U.S. economy. The conference is mission–based with a focus on turning ideas into action. The conference examines the HWP’s three initiatives of doubling the number of Hispanic real estate and mortgage professionals in the industry, developing multiple sources of capital for Hispanic owned small businesses, and using technology to assist high earning Hispanics in the housing industry develop long-term wealth strategies.