2025 NAHREP Top 250 Agents FAQ
Nomination deadline
Nominations for the 2025 Top 250 Latino Agents Award open on January 1, 2025 and close on February 28, 2025. Extensions will not be not granted and late submissions will not be accepted.
There is no cost to submit a nomination for the 2025 Top 250 Latino Agents award.
Release date
The 2025 Top 250 Latino Agents Award results will be released in June, 2025. Reports will be available to view here.
Can someone else nominate me?
Agents are encouraged to nominate themselves and others as long as the appropriate verification is submitted with each nomination.
What can I show as verification of my production?
An itemized transaction list from the MLS or franchise data is required verification of your 2024 production. If there are transactions not included in the MLS, please provide official documentation of these sales to include the names of the agents, sale price of the property, date of sale, and in which U.S. state the property is located. Sales from only one market will be considered. Self-made spreadsheets will not be accepted as official forms of production.

Click here to download a checklist for what documents you need to apply!
Will I be contacted if I made any of the lists?
Nominees who make any of the lists will be contacted via email the same day that the full reports are available for download.
Is there a minimum amount of transactions to apply?
There is no minimum amount of transactions needed to apply for this award.
What kind of transactions count?
NAHREP's mission is to advance sustainable Hispanic homeownership, as such, the Top 250 award is based on residential closed transaction sides and volume. Residential is defined as dwellings with four or fewer units, excluding rental properties, commercial real estate, and vacant lot transactions.
To be eligible for the 2025 Top 250 Latino Agents Award, the following criteria must be met:
- Nominee's ethnic background must be 25% Hispanic or Latino origin
- NNominee must be a practicing real estate agent
- Data must be reflective of the individual's or team's transactions for the 2024 calendar year
- GCI reflects at least 1% commission per transaction
Why does the form ask for additional information like gender, age range and language skills?
NAHREP uses this information to show interesting data points and trends of the Top 250 Latino Agents.

Teams are described as a group of real estate professionals who work as one entity. Only transactions that are listed in the name of the team leader per MLS, purchase contract or other official records will count toward the team's total.
An individual agent is defined as one who closes transactions under their name per MLS, purchase contract or other official records. Please note that if an agent considers themselves as part of a team, yet closes their transactions in their own name they are eligible to submit themselves as an individual.
Additional information on team nominations
Only a team lead is able to submit for the team aspect of this award. An individual within a team is unable to submit their individual production.
How are nominations verified?
NAHREP takes all nominations into consideration prior to announcing final results. In addition to broker attestation, sales data submitted is independently verified for accuracy and consistency with reporting methodology in office and by a third party. Please note that transactions in which an agent has co-listed, one half a side will be awarded, while full sales volume will be included.
What do I get if I make a list?
The Top 250 Latino Agents will receive special distinction during NAHREP's Fall Conference, September 18th – 21st, 2025.
My question was not answered here, who can help me?
For more information, please send an email to top250@nahrep.org