We’d like to commend the two stellar NAHREP business rallies that took place in July!
NAHREP Texas Plano Garland hosted their very successful Wealth & Real Estate Business Rally – Hispanic Wealth Project Series on July 12th, attracting 189 participants. The rally supported the HWP’s goals of increasing intergenerational wealth via entrepreneurship. Many guest speakers came, including 2018 NAHREP President-Elect David Acosta, touching on topics like “HOW TO BE A 10+ MILLION DOLLAR PRODUCER,” “REVENUE SCALING, BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL TEAM,” and “INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP – ARE YOU READY TO BE ON YOUR OWN?”
NAHREP San Antonio’s fantastically executed Top 100 Mastermind Rally happened on July 18th. Attendees were able to mastermind with top real estate professionals and NAHREP colleagues, and hear from industry experts. Organized event discussions focused on industry disruptions, business practices and struggles. The rally also hosted a valuable vendors area. Congratulations on a great event and successful fundraiser!