
NAHREP Regions & Regional CBOG
In 2021, the NAHREP regional strategy was disseminated with the purpose of advancing NAHREP’s mission in a unique setting of six (6) defined regions. Each region, has an appointed Regional Corporate Board of Governors (RCBOG) that is selected by NAHREP Leadership. RCBOG were appointed in each region in an effort to execute specific duties that drive:
- Regional Event Support
- Chapter Growth and Development
- Advocacy
- Relationship Building
- Local Market Initiatives
NOTE: Each region will host annual regional events, which we refer to as Regional Connect. Each event will include industry focused sessions with a unique opportunity to network.
NAHREP Regional Corporate Board of Governors (RCBOG) Overview
The RCBOG is a stakeholder group that serves as an advisory board to NAHREP’s National Board of Directors and the association overall in their respective region. They provide NAHREP with valuable market and industry intelligence, business development expertise and policy position recommendations. This elite group, consists of nominated former Chapter Past Presidents and NAHREP Regional Partners.
Roles and Responsibilities
Our RCBOG is considered an extension of our leadership and serve as grassroots ambassadors for NAHREP Regions. The governing body of the RCBOG consists of a Chair, Co-Chair and RCBOG Members at large.
The primary duties and responsibilities of RCBOG are as follows:
- Contribute to NAHREP Regional Events through encouraging and promoting local attendance.
- Regional Event sponsorship opportunities are advised to be supported by RCBOG who have were nominated based on their former experience as a Chapter Past President.
- Advise NAHREP National on opportunities to start additional local chapters in the region.
- Discuss and advise NAHREP National on state and local housing policy issues that are relevant to the NAHREP mission.
- Discuss and advise NAHREP National on state and local market conditions and opportunities for their members and partners.
- Provide support and build relationships with local NAHREP Chapters in corresponding regions.
- Attend virtual and in-person annual meetings for their respective region.
NOTE: RCBOG Chairs and Co-Chairs will have primary leadership duties and responsibilities as delegated by NAHREP National. They will function as the primary regional liaison to NAHREP. Example of Duties: Meeting Facilitation, Regional Updates of local market initiatives, Execution of Regional goals for RCBOG.
For more information, please contact:
Cynthia Rodriguez
Regional Development Manager
2375 Northside Drive | Suite 360 | San Diego, CA 92108
Direct 619.719.4812 | Office 619.719.4800 | Fax 619.719.4899
Email | Website
NAHREP Regional Website: