Hispanic Home Ownership Spiked in 2015

A new analysis of the rate of home ownership among Latinos in 2015 reported strong growth, with the overall rate improving from 44.5% to 46.7%, the largest one-year increase in more than a decade and the first time that Hispanic home ownership increased since 2009. The analysis, State of Hispanic Homeownership Report (download here, with…

Latinos Defy National Trend with Major Surge in Homeownership in 2015 According to NAHREP Report

Despite tight conditions, Latinos see net increase of 245,000 owner households while overall homeownership continues to decline Washington, D.C. – March 15, 2016 – The Hispanic Wealth Project, in collaboration with the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), revealed data today in their State of Hispanic Homeownership Report that shows an increase in…

Homeownership for Hispanics on the Rise, Despite National Stall

The Hispanic Wealth Project, in collaboration with the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) reported Tuesday in their State of Hispanic Homeownership Report that Hispanics have attained measurable homeownership gains for the fifth consecutive year. Despite the mostly stagnant homeownership report, the number of Hispanic buyers entering the market has continued to grow over the last five…

Hispanic homeownership on the rise

‘Largest one-year spike in more than a decade’ For the first time since 2009, the Hispanic homeownership rate and the number of owned Hispanic households increased, while overall homeownership rates in the U.S. decreased for the 12th time, according to data from the State of Hispanic Homeownership Report put out by the Hispanic Wealth Project and…

Housing and Latino Leaders Convene in D.C. on Issues Affecting Hispanic Homeownership, a Current Force in the Market

WHAT: The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) presents its annual Housing Policy and Hispanic Lending Conference set to gather housing and lending industry leaders from around the country to discuss issues affecting the Latino homebuyer market and affordable access to homeownership.   WHO: Key speakers at the event include Housing and Urban…

Congressman Luis Gutiérrez to Keynote Presidential Installation Gala

Now in his twelfth term, Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez is an experienced legislator and energetic spokesman on behalf of his constituents in the heart of Chicago. He is nationally recognized for his tireless leadership championing issues of importance to Latinos, specifically his role in advocating for executive action by President Obama to provide deportation relief…

Tucker Carlson and Henry Cisneros Square Off in Presidential Election Update Session

Conservative political pundit and Fox News Channel correspondent Tucker Carlson and former Secretary of HUD under the Clinton administration Henry Cisneros square off in a lively bipartisan discussion on the impending presidential elections. The two political experts break down the likely outcomes of the election for the remaining candidates and the effect on Latino homeownership…