Keys to Lending to the Hispanic Market

During the 2017 National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals Housing Policy and Hispanic Lending Conference, experts described the uniqueness in lending to the Hispanic community, HousingWire staffer Kelsey Ramirez reports. “Files can be a bit more paper-heavy as the way Latinos bank and track finances, as well as the cultural family structure, are very…

Lending to Hispanics – a whole new ballgame

This week, Hispanic lenders and those seeking to lend within Hispanic communities gathered together at the nation’s capital to hear about the latest trends from the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals. At the 2017 NAHREP Housing Policy and Hispanic Lending Conference, experts explained some of the differences that come with lending to the Hispanic community.

The Best Opportunities the Trump Administration Brings to Housing

Commentary by Gary Acosta
For the first time in history, the United States elected a president without any political or military experience. For some, this means a promising departure from the status quo and the rapidly increasing feelings of disenfranchisement from our political system. For others, a Trump presidency encourages apprehension, as his directives are considerably less predictable than those of a seasoned politician. While fumbling GSE reform or following through on his promise for mass deportations would cause major setbacks to the housing market, below are where some of the best opportunities might exist.

How Hispanics strengthen South Florida’s real estate market

Miami’s real estate market may have cooled a bit, but it is poised for long-term success and sustainability. And the world-famous beaches and tropical weather are only part of the equation. Despite a millennial-led nationwide trend to rent and wait on or avoid buying real estate, Miami’s strong Hispanic demographic positions the Magic City with a population that still strongly believes in family and homeownership.