What is NAHREP?

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“Growth, mentorship, and culture matter, and NAHREP has allowed me to be a voice in my community while still succeeding in the industry. No other organization provides you with a platform to excel in your professional or personal life as NAHREP does.”
Olivia Chavez
NAHREP San Fernando

“The event access and benefits you get from being Platinum allows you to fully experience what NAHREP is truly about. Platinum membership is one of the most treasured opportunities NAHREP gives us.”
Gloria Chavez
NAHREP Fresno Founding Director

Market Intelligence
NAHREP produces annual industry reports including the annual State of Hispanic Homeownership Report and the Top 250 Latino Agents and Top 250 Latino Mortgage Originators reports.

Professional Education
NAHREP chapters each host multiple events throughout the year, with a combined total of more than 600,000 attendees. Nationally, NAHREP holds multiple industry events a year, including the Homeownership and Wealth Building Conference, Elevate Sales Summit, NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE, and more.

NAHREP is the leading national advocate on housing policy issues related to Hispanic homebuyers. Our leaders meet with the White House government officials to advocate for Hispanic issues. Get empowered today.