NAHREP is thrilled by the Supreme Court’s decision today to reverse the Justice Department’s termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. We stand today with the over 650,000 registered DACA recipients and the estimated 1.3 million who qualify for the program. Today’s Supreme Court decision could not have come at a better time, as it provides much-needed stability for DREAMers in the wake of a global pandemic.
These young individuals have lived and worked in this country for most of their lives, contributing to the U.S. economy while being deeply embedded into the social fabric of our society. DREAMers own over 59,000 homes and are directly responsible for $613.8 million in annual mortgage payments. Additionally, DACA recipients have been critical workers on the front lines of our COVID-19 response. Tens of thousands of DACA recipients are healthcare workers, including doctors and nurses, and more than 140,000 work in food-related occupations.
The ruling today is undoubtedly a win for all Americans, but there is still more work to be done. NAHREP continues to urge Congress to fully pass the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019, allowing for a more permanent solution for DREAMers. NAHREP also urges the administration to provide a two-year extension for DACA permits expiring this year. This extension will allow DACA recipients to be better prepared for the uncertainty of the road ahead.
Today, DACA recipients are barred from access to critical federal and state resources across a broad range of economic sectors, including education, healthcare, and housing. In the housing industry, DACA recipients are ineligible for loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), an agency aimed at supporting first-time home buyers and underserved communities. Students with DACA status are also barred from federal student aid programs, and in most states, don’t qualify for state support or in-state tuition pricing for public colleges. These young people should not be restricted from investing in their communities through homeownership and education.
Polls have consistently indicated that the DACA program has overwhelming support from both Democrats and Republicans. On this issue we can come together. We must ensure that DACA recipients eager to contribute to our economy are given the tools to continue doing so.

Sara Rodriguez
2020 President, NAHREP

Gary Acosta
Co-Founder & CEO, NAHREP