🌟 Exciting sessions ahead at Regional Connect: Midwest in Chicago!
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
And a huge shoutout and thank you to our title sponsor, @GuaranteedRate, for making yet another powerful event possible#RegionalConnectMidwest #BusinessAndCultura pic.twitter.com/bCJK0fEjxL
🚀 Time for a game-changing session on "Building Wealth In A Difficult Market" with Martin Cabrera, a Chicago native and investment banking pro
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
Discussing how Latinos are reshaping wealth-building in challenging times. Let's rethink our strategies!#WealthBuilding #Opportunity pic.twitter.com/pL9Fjf3hjp
"As Latinos, we’re going out and buying the newest iPhone, but we aren’t buying Apple stock. Not just here in the US — but in Mexico and other countries as well."
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— Martin Cabrera pic.twitter.com/0wQiu1DliN
"When they say 'that's not what your people do', I say:
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
That's not what we were doing. That's what we are doing now"
— Martin Cabrera at Regional Connect: Midwest pic.twitter.com/iDI01uDlAS
"While everybody is putting a lot of eggs into the “online presence” basket (which we also do), we doubled our mail piece budget, our geocards. It gets them to remember you twice as fast."
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— Ainhoa Garcia (@RealtyOfChicago) pic.twitter.com/WsGEXESaze
"Be open to learn. You learn from the newest agents to the most seasoned. Always be open to learn."
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— Coral Ortega (@coralortega83) pic.twitter.com/R7XyFs4uHC
"I give my clients all the data. I use the data we have in Chicago and blend it with my clients' goals. I make sure they understand the data. We are resilient and our people want to learn and want to buy a home."
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— Josue Duarte (Duarte Realty Company) pic.twitter.com/mFpBNCRm2Z
🌶️ Star guest Omi Hopper (@COOKING_con_OMI) is here for a tasty journey in "Taste of Latino Chefdom"
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
In a discussion with NAHREP's SVP @titosmundo, she explores her cooking origins, pathways to stardom, and how she turned her passion to profession#LatinoCuisine #CookingPassion pic.twitter.com/R3aZ18qkzg
"Our members are thriving, even in this difficult environment — and I couldn’t come to Chicago without taking a moment to recognize the people who were there when NAHREP needed them most."
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— @garynahrep on honoring @GenieBirch and Alan R. Friedman pic.twitter.com/KmEiG4Ljqo
"Many times behind the scenes, Alan would say, “I don’t know,” and I would say “that’s not an option!”
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— @GenieBirch pic.twitter.com/ptGWOiCO6J
"It was an honor to work for this organization. Through the hard work of @garynahrep and his team and my experience, we were able to keep the organization alive. And with all the growth and success, I’m so happy we were able to keep this organization alive"
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— Alan R. Friedman pic.twitter.com/RXYsSaI9Pb
"It could be very intimidating to go from 'I’m showing cooking what I love' to 'I am a chef'. With no formal training, I put my passion out there and had an amazing experience and exposure"
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 24, 2023
— Omi Hopper (@COOKING_con_OMI) pic.twitter.com/E1OMOR6O6r
"Rather than me selling selling selling, I’m going to create a story around that brand and keep to the integrity of only working with brands I believe in."
— NAHREP (@NAHREP) October 25, 2023
— Omi Hopper (@COOKING_con_OMI) pic.twitter.com/eaNJGyiBin