Who Shapes Housing Policy? Congressional Committees and Leaders Explained

Housing policy in the United States is deeply influenced by Congress, even if it is not always the first entity that comes to mind. Congressional decisions shape housing supply, affordability, and access to affordable mortgage credit. Understanding how Congressional committees and their leaders influence housing policy is essential for anyone invested in the housing market.

NAC Blog: Emerging Opportunities in Home Building

As you know, NAHREP, a 22-year-old organization, has a clear mission to advance sustainable Hispanic homeownership. NAHREP’s Policy Department, a wing of the organization that I started 4 years ago, is still a kid in comparison to the broader organization. But, like the organization, it is important that the department also has a clear mission statement. I would say that the NAHREP Policy Department’s mission is to advance sustainable Hispanic homeownership through advocacy, thought leadership, stakeholder relationships, research, and education.

NAC Blog: A new President and a flurry of executive actions, the fate of the GSEs & NAHREP CA takes on housing inventory

Today we wake up to a new President. Yesterday we saw the first Latina Supreme Court Justice swear in the first woman of color to the office of Vice President, and J-Lo reclaimed our place in this country by singing “This Land is Our Land.” So much to unpack there. However, between last week and this week a whole lotta POLICY that applies to our mission happened so let’s get right to it.

NAC Blog: NAHREP Urges Changes to GSE Capital Rule

I cannot believe it is already September. It’s back to school time, or back to zoom time? Mad respect to all of the parents out there for balancing rock star careers while “staffing” your kids while they sit in front a zoom classroom cross eyed making faces at each other. Dogs barking, kids screaming, life happening: life, work, blurred lines all around. It’s called 2020 damas y caballeros, and this madness is feeling weirdly familiar now. Speaking of which, who can tell me their most embarrassing “zoom school” related story? I could really use the humor right now!