NAC Blog: Will 2020 be the Nation’s CA Prop 187 moment?

I was in middle school when Prop 187 passed in California. I vividly recall being in P.E. class in my smelly gym clothes overhearing a group of teachers discussing what the proposition meant for the school and for its students, a majority of which were Latino. I remember watching a group of girls roll their eyes at the demonstration a group of Latino students had organized to protest the proposition.

NAC Blog: Que onda mi gente?

Hope everyone got up today with a smile, brewed your cafecito (with foam), and blasted your favorite song to get your day going. I don’t know about you but my favorite song to either get to dancing or to completely transform my mood is “La Bicicleta” by Shakira. There’s something about the vallenato in that song that fills my soul like my mom’s “sopita de fideo.” Maybe I was Colombian in another life.