NAC Blog: Yes In My Back Yard, turning thoughts into action

In the business of “change making” or advocacy, we seldom ever do anything alone. We need partners. The first step in laying out a strategy is to figure out who our friends are and who will join us in battle.As housing inventory continues to be the number one barrier to advancing sustainable Hispanic homeownership, the situation in California is probably the most severe. But at the same time, the advocacy community around addressing the housing inventory shortage and spurring housing production is also the most organized. One of the leading voices on housing inventory in the state of California is our friend Brian Hanlon, the President & CEO of the Yes In My Back Yard (YIMBY) initiative.

NAC Blog: The next American rescue package is here

Como estan? Have you all registered for the 2021 NAHREP National Convention and Housing Policy Summit yet? Don’t forget that this year the conference is free to all members and only $50 for non-members. We’ve been working hard to make sure we bring you top-notch content, give you resources to help you grow as a professional, and cement yourself as a leader in your field and community. So excited to see you all virtually next month!

NAC Blog: Who will be the first Latino President?

Last year, our CEO Gary Acosta and the NAHREP National Board of Directors set a number of audacious goals for our organization that pertain to the broader Latino community: Guide the Latino community to be among the wealthiest and most philanthropic in the nation; Build NAHREP to be the largest and most effective economic mobility organization in America; Incubate 1,000 new Hispanic millionaires and five new Hispanic billionaires; Help Latinos dominate the Fortune 500 boardrooms and C-Suites; Help elect the first Latino President of the United States of America. At the National Advocacy Committee, our work is directly tied to helping build NAHREP into the largest and most effective economic mobility organization in America. For that, we have to build strong relationships with elected officials.

NAC Blog: The time to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform starts now.

The U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 was released last week by Senator Bob Menendez in the Senate and U.S. Representative Linda Sanchez in the House of Representatives. We’ve waited for this moment for a long time familia, a real shot at passing comprehensive immigration reform. If you look at every single one of our State of Hispanic Homeownership Reports, you’ll find that passing a sweeping immigration bill has been a consistent cornerstone of our policy priorities for the past decade. You may ask, what does immigration have to do with housing and advancing sustainable Hispanic homeownership? Everything.

NAC Blog: Congress takes on housing inventory

First of all, to all of our familia in Texas going through the freezing weather and power outages, in a state with an infrastructure not built to withstand those temperatures, I hope everyone is safe and warm. I hope all of you are putting your “San Marcos cobijas” to good use, you know you have them. To all of our NAHREP Tejanos, you’ve been in my thoughts and prayers. Speaking of Texas, last week I met with all of the NAHREP government affairs directors in Texas. Coming from California with outrageous housing prices, I tend to see Texas as the state where all the Californian’s are moving to. However, based on that conversation, it is clear that housing inventory shortages are being felt universally across the nation, even in Texas.

NAHREP responds to the Federal Reserve’s proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

In response to the Federal Reserve’s proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act, NAHREP urges the Federal Reserve to strengthen the rigor of CRA exams in order to expedite a full economic recovery, particularly for those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. NAHREP encourages the Federal Reserve to prevent grade inflation by preserving the five subtest threshold at the state-level, require race and ethnicity data on CRA exams, and continue support for enhanced data collection, including community development financing data.  NAHREP commends the rule’s focus on transparent data analysis and quantitative measures of impact on communities.