NAC Blog: A peak inside the House version of the HEROES Act

Como andamos? I am excited to welcome all of the new members to the National Advocacy Committee (NAC) and thank you to everyone who responded to our first ever national advocacy campaign last week that put our grassroots operation to work. We tried to make the process as easy as possible and we appreciate every one of you who sent the email to your Senators. The more a Member of Congress hears from their constituents on a particular issue, the more they’re likely to listen.

NAC Blog: A call to NAC-tion – Support our Latino community

It’s time to show the world what we’re made of. When we created the National Advocacy Committee (NAC), we knew that if we organized our 40,000 members to be the voice of Latino homeownership, we absolutely could make a difference. If we each reached out to our own elected officials with a common message, the weight of our numbers and our power would be unstoppable.

NAC Blog: Immigrants as essential workers. What did the CARES Act offer them?

In the midst of having a case of cabin fever this week, I decided to take a drive through the agricultural fields of Chino, California. The fields were lined with farm workers hard at work picking fruits and vegetables for our consumption, individuals who are undoubtedly essential through this pandemic. It’s easy to take the food we eat for granted. It’s also easy to forget that the people who do the back-breaking work of producing our food supply are often undocumented.

NAC Blog: More funding for PPP

I’ve been thinking a lot about the NAHREP 10 disciplines. Of course, the one that pops out right now for me in neon lights is the ominous: Live below your means and be ready for the next recession because downturns are a regular part of our economic cycles. Regardless of whether we heeded that advice and saved for a rainy day, the most important thing right now is #mindset. At NAHREP, we stay positive, we push forward, we think ahead, and we innovate.