NAHREP Report Finds Hispanics Approach 50% Homeownership
Continued Growth Despite Soaring Interest Rates, Limited Inventory, and Affordability Crises
Continued Growth Despite Soaring Interest Rates, Limited Inventory, and Affordability Crises
Leading Government Officials and Industry Executives to Convene for Discussions on Housing Policy, Consumer Trends, and Real Estate Performance in the U.S. Hispanic Market.
Gary Acosta, Co-Founder and CEO of NAHREP emphasizes the importance of homeownership at the NAR Policy Forum in Washington, D.C., providing insights drawing attention to the impact on families and communities.
Los latinos son el único grupo racial o étnico en triplicar su riqueza en los últimos diez años
Latinos only racial or ethnic demographic to triple their wealth
Gary Acosta, Co-Founder and CEO of NAHREP emphasizes the importance of homeownership at the NAR Policy Forum in Washington, D.C., providing insights drawing attention to the impact on families and communities.
NAHREP’s CEO and Co-Founder Gary Acosta delves into an eye-opening discussion on closing the minority homeownership gap – how to empower the secondary mortgage market and promote diversity in lending
Gary Acosta warns of disparities for minority, particularly Hispanic, buyers post-recent lawsuit, stressing the importance of culturally competent buyer-side agents.
Deepblocks’ technology impressed the judges with their data-driven tools and digitized zoning database which streamlines site selection and feasibility analysis, pinpointing ideal development sites effortlessly.
Deepblocks’ technology impressed the judges with their data-driven tools and digitized zoning database which streamlines site selection and feasibility analysis, pinpointing ideal development sites effortlessly.