NAC Blog: Where do your candidates stand on housing?

If there is nothing else you take away from these blogs, let it be this one thing: You have so much more power than you think. Now it’s time to use it.When it comes to your elected officials, YOU are in charge. Don’t ever forget that. Every 2 to 4 years, you get to choose whether you want to keep your elected officials or to fire them. With that power comes a great deal of responsibility. And I know, ignorance is bliss. Most of us go about our days, solving problems that arise within our immediate families and/or businesses, and we don’t have time to “supervise or manage” our elected officials. But, if you think housing supply is the biggest issue impacting your clients and business right now, let’s do something about it!

NAC Blog: A look into Special Purpose Credit Programs

Last week, NAC Regional Director Imelda Manzo and I presented on the State of Hispanic Homeownership in San Diego for the San Diego Union Tribune. Following our presentation, one of the attendees asked us if there were any programs that were particularly targeted for the Latino community. This made me think about Special Purpose Credit Programs (SPCP) and the fact that we haven’t talked about them enough here on the blog.

NAC Blog: Innovative Approaches to Housing

Cómo están, corazones? This past weekend, I attended one of my favorite gatherings for national housing leaders. Annually, a group of top housing executives and nonprofit leaders gather in La Jolla to discuss the housing market and to share ideas. I was inspired by many innovative approaches to housing issues and I want to share some of what I heard. The goal of the National Advocacy Committee is to empower each of you to be leaders and advocates within your community. As you speak to more city stakeholders and nonprofit leaders, it is important to share these ideas so your city can explore new options.

NAC Blog: The Importance of Coalitions

When we joined advocacy organizations alongside the Mortgage Bankers Association, the National Association of Home Builders, and the National Association of REALTORS® to demand that housing be included in Build Back Better, we were able to do that because we were standing together as a coalition. We were all business organizations and Build Back Better included a lot of non-business-related items. However, our united stance was that if a big spending package was going to pass, it would be a huge mistake not to include support for one of the most pressing issues of our time: the housing shortage.

NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE 2022 Conference Returns to San Diego for Fifth Consecutive Year of Gathering Thousands of Latino Leaders to Advance Sustainable Hispanic Homeownership

SAN DIEGO—August 1, 2022— The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals® (NAHREP®) is proud to announce the preliminary agenda for the upcoming NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE event, taking place in San Diego September 22 – 25 and powered by Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. For updates see the event website.

NAC Blog: Housing underproduction

Where are all my runners at? I know there’s a ton of you. I’ve even heard from little pajaritos that there are a few NAHREP running groups out there. First of all, I don’t know that I can call myself a runner just yet, but I’ve recently taken it on again after a long hiatus and it is making me so happy. I’ve made a list of all of the best running trails in San Diego (most of which are by the beach and absolutely stunning) and I’m slowly crossing them off. It is hands down the best way to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of a city.

The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP®) Contributes to Up for Growth’s Housing Underproduction in the U.S. 2022 Report

SAN DIEGO—July 15, 2022— Yesterday the Housing Underproduction™ in the U.S. 2022 report was released by the housing shortage and affordability research and policy organization Up for Growth. The report includes the section “Housing Underproduction: A Risk to Latino Homeownership and the U.S. Economy”, authored by National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP®) Executive Vice President of Public Policy and Industry Relations, Noerena Limón.

NAC Blog: Joining a City Planning Committee

Last month, many of our chapters attended their local city council meetings to speak up on homeownership as part of our June City Council Campaign. It was so awesome to see all of you in action! But what was even more amazing was that many of you reported that your city’s mayor, councilmembers, and other influencers approached you after the meeting and invited you to participate in further conversations around housing supply. That is what this is all about! As you become known in your area, you may be invited to join a city planning committee or housing commission. These groups may be formal or informal, but I encourage each of you to take that opportunity if it presents itself.

NAC Blog: Be a NAHREP Voter

Happy 4th of July, familia! I hope all of you enjoyed some quality family time, delicious food, sun, and fireworks on this year’s beautiful 4th of July weekend. I had my entire family together this weekend. My sister flew in from Boston, and both my little niece and nephew, Isa and Mateo, were together. It was a blast. But, as my family usually does, we embarked on some passionate debates about the state of the country, our democracy, and what we can expect from the future leadership of the next generations.

NAC Blog: Emerging Opportunities in Home Building

As you know, NAHREP, a 22-year-old organization, has a clear mission to advance sustainable Hispanic homeownership. NAHREP’s Policy Department, a wing of the organization that I started 4 years ago, is still a kid in comparison to the broader organization. But, like the organization, it is important that the department also has a clear mission statement. I would say that the NAHREP Policy Department’s mission is to advance sustainable Hispanic homeownership through advocacy, thought leadership, stakeholder relationships, research, and education.