NAHREP El Paso 2016 Board Installation
The El Paso chapter installed their 2016 Board of Directors at a November 12 Installation Pachanga. The event featured founding chapter president David Acosta, and set the tone for the year ahead.
The El Paso chapter installed their 2016 Board of Directors at a November 12 Installation Pachanga. The event featured founding chapter president David Acosta, and set the tone for the year ahead.
NAHREP Sacramento held a Master Mind & Team Building Panel on November 12. The event featured a panel of local Top 250 Agents who shared their success trade secrets as well as how they built a successful team. NAHREP Foundation Chairman Jerry Ascencio gave an opening keynote address to the audience of NAHREP members and…
NAHREP Montebello South East Los Angeles held an event on November 12 around lead generation and marketing. Attendees gained insight on the latest lead generation tactics from industry leaders, Zurple, Social NetworX, Commissons Inc., and Lee Honish.
Teresa Palacios Smith gave a keynote address at the NAHREP North Texas Evening of Empowerment on November 19. The event centered on the NAHREP Hispanic Wealth Project and the association’s goal of making 1,000 NAHREP millionaires in the next five years.
As an organization NAHREP is thankful for the incredible members, partners, and supporters who dedicate their time and energy to making the mission of sustainable homeownership a reality. Our success year after year is a demonstration of the power of our communities, gracias!
By L. Maria Zywiciel I am a first generation Mexican American. My parents came to the U.S. in the 50s and technology (or lack thereof) kept them from staying in close contact with their loved ones back home. Without internet, cable, cell phones, or FaceTime, they had no choice but to assimilate into their new…
BY CYNTHIA MORENO SACRAMENTO – Gerardo ‘Jerry’ Ascencio came from his native Michoacán, México nearly 57 years ago. He and his parents settled in the San Fernando Valley hoping to pursue the American Dream. But, throughout his childhood, América offered them everything except that. The family of five lived in a tiny trailer in…
While minorities occupy about half of the state’s housing units, they are less likely than white Texans to own their homes, and the state’s largest metro areas have some of the most substantial racial disparities among homeowners, according to recently released U.S. Census data. A shortage of affordable housing, credit problems and lack of savings…
At the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) in September, the organization’s co-founder, Gary Acosta, spoke passionately about the group’s mission to raise Hispanic homeownership to over 50 percent. Anyone witnessing the resolve and commitment of the 2,000 convention attendees could envision the goal being reached. These were industry…
Jerry Ascencio came to California 57 years ago from Mexico. Those early years were defined by struggle and punctuated by periods where he lived in a trailer, worked three jobs and performed in mariachi groups in the underbelly of San Fernando Valley nightlife. But today he stands as an example of why so many come…