NAC Blog: Sneak peek! 2021 Housing Policy Summit

We are in the final stages of putting the finishing touches to our State of Hispanic Homeownership Report that will be released at our NAHREP National Convention and Housing Policy Summit on April 20th. We cannot wait for you to see what we came up as we break down and process what happened in 2020 and how it impacted Latino homeownership. This year’s Release of the State of Hispanic Homeownership Report will be epic! Are you registered yet? If not, you can register here. Dong forget that if you’re a NAHREP member the conference will be FREE. For non-members, it is only $50.

If we consider our policy conference as a tool to make history and move the needle on our advocacy, then perhaps no conversation will be more important than that one.

NAHREP Announces 2021 Corporate Partners

SAN DIEGO, April 1st, 2021—The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP®), announced its 2021 roster of National Corporate Partners. NAHREP National Corporate Partners participate in the organization’s Corporate Boards of Governors (CBOG) at both the national and regional levels where they advise NAHREP on housing policy and collaborate to create solutions and identify opportunities to reach and better serve the Latino megamarket.

NAC Blog: DREAMers are our family. What are you gonna do about it?

Familia. We talk about this word a lot at NAHREP. It’s the powerful center of our lives, the reason we work hard, the reason we breathe. I have a huge extended family, most of which live in the Inland Empire in California. We’re all up on each other’s business all the time. You know how it goes, they loooooove the chisme. But if anyone in the family needs anything, ANYTHING, they’re there before they’re asked to help out. It’s beautiful. If something happens to one person, it’s felt by everyone. It’s family.