NAC Blog: Community Reinvestment Act, an interview with Josh Silver from NCRC

¿Cómo andamos? Before we get into this week’s policy discussion, I want to take a moment to recognize a very exciting thing that happened recently. Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve the establishment of a National Museum of the American Latino. I had the privilege of working on a bill that explored this possibility back in 2005 with then Congressman Xavier Becerra. It has been a long time coming, and today we are one step closer that museum being a reality.

Reason for Hope

In times like these, economists and politicians often claim that despite the precarious circumstances, “The fundamentals of our economy are strong.” This statement is true, and a key reason why is because of Latino homebuyers and workers.

NAC Blog: Small Landlord Survey Results!

Over the last week, the NAC Regionals and I have sent text messages, emails and Facebook posts urging our NAC (that’s you!) to participate in our current Call to Action campaigns. You might have seen the call your U.S. Representative campaign about credit overlays, or the email your U.S. Senator campaign, asking them to include our priorities in the next stimulus package.

Landlord Survey Results: Small Landlords Adversely Impacted by COVID-19

The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) and UC Berkeley’s Terner Center for Housing Innovation partnered to survey NAHREP’s membership to gauge the experiences of small “mom and pop” landlords during the pandemic. The responses indicate great concern as many of the CARES Act’s support expire, and the need for targeted assistance grows. The survey was administered between June 29, 2020 and July 9, 2020 and received 620 responses, of which 380 came from owners or managers of rental properties. Download the fact sheet for an analysis of those responses.

NAC Blog: It’s time for NACtion!

First of all, congratulations for being a part of the inaugural National Advocacy Committee. All of you will always be remembered as the founding members of the NAC. Today, NAHREP stands 100 chapters strong with over 40,000 members. Our task? We need to leverage those numbers and create a powerful, influential, history-making united voice around Latino economic mobility.

NAC Blog: QM Patch is getting extended and replaced

So I’ve been doing this thing lately with my cookbooks during quarantine. I make the recipe and in the margins of the cookbook I’ll jot down whether or not I liked it along with a note about what happened that day. It can be anything from something historical happening like, “the Supreme Court ruled on DACA today”, or something silly like, “today I got a facemask tan after I spent the day outside.”