NAC Blog: Don’t just vote, get in the action

There are exactly 12 days left until Election Day. The future pretty much rests in your hands. No pressure though. Just like all of you start your day with intention, you set goals for your sales, you envision an outcome and strive for it, let’s do the same thing for this election. Let’s be intentional about our power as citizens. The worst thing that can happen on election night when the results do not go the way you wanted is to feel that you did not do your part to contribute to the democracy of this country.

NAC Blog: Time to research our ballots!

We are 19 days away from the election. I hope everyone got a chance to watch yesterday’s showdown as the NAHREP familia debated the presidential election around the kitchen table last night. My favorite thing about yesterday’s conversation was that despite NAHREP leaders having completely different political affiliations, they sat down to debate the issues with mutual respect, always coming back to the fact that we are family first.

NAC Blog: 2020 State of Hispanic Wealth Report

I hope everyone had some time to relax after NAHREP at L’ATTITUDE! I’m still reeling off of Deepak Chopra’s meditation and Pitbull, two of my favorite sessions of the conference. And of course, I also hope you all had a chance to see our release of the 2020 State of Hispanic Wealth Report! If you missed it, you can still watch it on demand by visiting the conference hub for the next 30 days.

NAC Blog: TRIVIA Time: Qualified Mortgage

It’s time for some policy trivia! Question: What has been one of our top policy priorities on access to credit over the past 2 years? Answer: The expiration of the QM patch and the new definition of Qualified Mortgage! Question: What government agency has jurisdiction over defining what loans are considered “Qualifed Mortgage”?Answer: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or CFPB

NAC Blog: NAHREP Urges Changes to GSE Capital Rule

I cannot believe it is already September. It’s back to school time, or back to zoom time? Mad respect to all of the parents out there for balancing rock star careers while “staffing” your kids while they sit in front a zoom classroom cross eyed making faces at each other. Dogs barking, kids screaming, life happening: life, work, blurred lines all around. It’s called 2020 damas y caballeros, and this madness is feeling weirdly familiar now. Speaking of which, who can tell me their most embarrassing “zoom school” related story? I could really use the humor right now!