NAC Blog: In 2020, NAHREP advocacy has been hard at work

As we slowly say goodbye to 2020, it’s important to spend some time reflecting. A lot has happened and I don’t think many of us have had any opportunity to process everything we’ve been through. Personally, I’ve been go go go all year. I, like many of you, lost someone very special to me to COVID-19 this year. To be honest, I haven’t had a chance to process this loss, nor the seismic changes we’ve gone through this year. Over the break, I hope to spend some time just reflecting, making my peace with things and choosing what it is that I want to take with me into 2021. I hope all of you will join me in that. This year has definitely been one of growth and that is the greatest silver lining.

NAHREP Co-Founder & CEO Gary Acosta named to Pacaso Industry Advisory Board

Industry innovator Pacaso, the premier shared-homeownership company, announced the appointment of NAHREP Co-Founder & CEO Gary Acosta to its Industry Advisory Board. Nearly 10 million second homes sit unoccupied for 11 months a year in the U.S. Meanwhile, millions of people dream of owning and enjoying a second home. Pacaso offers an innovative model to second home ownership.

NAC Blog: Latino small businesses and COVID-19

Noerena here reporting from California, where we are officially in another shutdown. While I am a firm believer that the only way to fix our economy is getting to the other side of this awful virus, I gotta say, I’m worried about our Latino small businesses. We’ve boasted about this before: Latinos have been the driving force behind entrepreneurial growth in the U.S. Over the past decade, the number of Latino business owners grew by 34%, compared to only 1% growth for all business owners. However, the current lack of cash on hand for Latino-owned businesses can result in the loss of over two million jobs if Latino employer businesses have to permanently close before the end of the year.